The Pest Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago (PMATT) held a Members’ Conference on Saturday July 20th at the Jerningham Community Centre in Cunupia. The Association presented its plans, which it has been working on for its members, over the past few months.

The Association put forward its digital Pest Control Business Management Software Solution designed to help even the smallest organisation save costs, minimise paperwork and time while competing with the larger international operators in real time and on an equal footing.
The App was well-received by members who committed to assist with the development costs by pledging to pay their first year’s subscription in advance. This augurs well for the industry, our consumers, and members, as quality and efficiency will all be improved through the demonstrated collaboration of members – – strength in unity.
PMapp – Pest Management Application, is an all-in-one business solution for the pest management industry which can be accessed via your smartphone, tablet or computer: can create service reports; keep track of inventory and pesticide usage; accept payments – inexpensively; prepare quotations; generate invoices and maintain customer service records all in real time. And much more.
Guest Speaker, Shawn Kirk, of the Insect Vector Control Division, emphasised the importance of the pest management industry to public health and applauded the data collection aspect of the App, as the pest management industry will be able to assist the state in pinpointing actual and potential pest outbreaks in Trinidad and Tobago by area, helping them determine the best strategies and response to be deployed in the public interest. This data can help them be proactive rather than reactive.

Guardian Life then presented on the benefits of PMATT’s group health plan and other group insurance products. Again, the strength in unity and power of numbers represented by PMATT’S current membership base of 85, will allow each member savings, additional discounts and benefits impossible for any individual firm or member to negotiate on its own.
Members were also treated to a presentation on new pest control products by one of the event sponsors – Provar Distributors.
The Association is in the planning stages of its next round of sales, pricing models and technical training.