Developing a Health and Safety Plan


This course has been designed to aid the safety officer with developing their company’s Health and Safety plan. This step-by-step approach proves useful for employees who have little or no experience with workplace regulatory safety requirements. As you will learn, there are some key areas that must be addressed when developing a successful plan.

The main purpose of this course, which has been built and developed to adhere to the OSHA standard 1910.120, is to help you develop a working Health and Safety Plan, sometimes called a Safety Manual. We will explain the differences between a company health and safety plan and a site specific project health and safety plan.

Our discussion will include the importance of adding environmental protection segments to address spill prevention and clean-up methods. After completing this course the employee assigned new responsibilities, related to workplace safety, will have a better understanding of OSHA regulations and how their company can comply.


Course Details

This fully narrated course is packed with photos, interactivity, video, and a wealth of valuable information, with a final exam at the end.  It is approximately 90 minutes in length. After passing the final with a score of 70% or better, you will be able to print a personalized certificate with your name, the course you passed, the date taken, certificate number, as well as our company information should anyone need to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

Topics Covered Include

  • Health & Safety Plan Definitions
  • Writing a HASP
  • The HASP Table of Contents
  • Developing a Job Hazard Analysis
  • Important Policies
  • A Site Specific HASP
  • Resources for Developing a HASP
  • Managing HASP Implementation